JJ Abrams is Star Wars’s New Hope

Odds are you’ve heard that JJ Abrams of Star Trek fame has been selected to direct the new Star Wars movies under the Disney brand. What do I think?

It’s great news. Say what you will about Star Trek, but it was a great movie and a very accessible film. Sure, it messed with the canon, but it messed mostly with the canon from the original series — who cares? Star Trek was languishing with so many bad movies being made from it. Add in the failure of Enterprise to be watched and it was pretty clear someone needed to come in and make it good again. Abrams was the man for that job.

JJ was, allegedly, already approached for the Star Wars movies. He declined originally because, again, allegedly, he didn’t want to touch something so sacred. That’s right — JJ Abrams, a man painted as a money-hungry control freak with a penchant for lens flares was scared of messing up Star Wars. That’s a good sign. And they have a skilled writer in Michael Arndt, so unless Abrams insists on messing with the script too badly, we have nothing to worry about.

A final point, of course, is Disney’s past insistence on the new films not following the canon. Obviously we all want a Thrawn trilogy of films but it’s not going to happen — Zahn‘s magnum opus is going to be left sitting in a parallel universe. That’s something we kind of have to live with. What this means is that even if the new movie(s) are horrible, we can still take solace in the fact that the books haven’t been desecrated.

I would be shocked if Abrams and Arndt could screw this up. They are both big names, they’re both riding off big successes, they’re both nerds, and they both know what’s at stake. They could single-handedly revive a dying franchise that’s only hanging on by the occasional new novel and/or tabletop RPG. Besides — the New trilogy was god awful. How could they do worse?

New Gravity Rush DLC headed for LittleBigPlanet

There you go.

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Wii U Midnight Launch at Nintendo Store

I don’t know how U plan to spend your weekend, but if you’re anywhere near Nintendo’s flagship store in New York, you can spend it freezing your ass off to get one of the first Wii Us.

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GTAV Trailer Dropped

There’s a new trailer out for GTA5, and my God does it look great. After spending hours analyzing every possible minute of the last one, it’s nice to have something slightly more substantive. Rockstar looks like they aren’t going to disappoint. Check it out below!

Metal Gear Solid: Rising: Revamped: Revengeance: Part Four

Noted hero and food picture taker Hideo Kojima took to Twitter to mention that that game  will be released on February 19th in North America, the 21st in Europe, and the 22nd int he UK. The game has been in the works for quite awhile by Platinum Games (Bayonetta) and features hack-and-slash gameplay instead of the traditional playstyle Metal Gear is so well known for. You can catch a trailer here.

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Ouya — the open source, Android powered console — is a go

Yesterday I talked about “The Future of Handheld Gaming” wherein I said quite definitively that phone-gaming is a bit of a fad and true handheld gaming can (and hopefully will, survive).

Somewhat related to that is the news that Ouya — the open source console powered by Android — pulled $8.6 million dollars via Kickstarter. They’ve lined up some companies, too, and well, are now accepting pre-orders. This is huge news, of course: while the Vita has been stumbling its way through cross-play gaming, with an Android console that becomes a huge reality — taking games with you on your cell phone seems to be a real possibility.

The only question is, will developers jump for it?

Katsuhiro Harada — Mr. Tekken — recently said that he believes that a one-console future is the way to go, and while that would make things a cinch for devs and likely help the big three settle their differences, it at one point seemed unlikely. I remember imagining as a kid that that would be the future… I kind of doubt it these days, but with projects like Ouya going big, Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft are going to have to find a way to compete. Ouya will likely feature tons of free games — courtesy of Android’s already huge library — as well as premium content designed for the Ouya itself. Something open source like this will be ripe for piracy, too —  SNES/NES/GB roms on your Android powered console? Probably.

God knows console sales have been interesting over the last little while, but with a retail price that pretty much trounces the competition, not to mention the 3DS and Vita, I’d be worried if I was one of the big three.

MGS Standalone Editions Stealthing Their Way to PS3, Xbox

Kojima Productions recently announced that Metal Gear Solid HD Collection will be tactically, espionagely, and actionly making its way to the PSN Store and Xbox Live Marketplace. 2 and 3 will be released in a bundle for Xbox on the 21st of August, while they’ll be released separately for the PS3 that same day. On the 28th, Peace Walker will be released for both consoles, with a full three-game bundle set for the PS3 the same day.

They haven’t released pricing, but it should vary from title to title and console to console.

And no, Peace Walker HD will not be released for the Vita. Thanks for nothing, Hideo.

Oreo Pride “Controversy”

I don’t know if you’ve ever heard about this “The Facebook” thing that the kids are into, but did you know that those queer lovin’ chocolate thieves down at Oreo posted this unabashed declaration of war against God.

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Mayor: Vancouver’s Riot Prevention Plan a Complete Success

Project Coordinator and LA Kings goalie Jonathan Quick carries the Conn Smythe trophy after the Stanley Cup final.

VANCOUVER: When Mayor Gregor Robertson revealed Vancouver’s riot prevention plan in late March, it was ridiculed as being tantamount to doing nothing. Robertson took the criticism in stride as what city officials dubbed “Project Janus” took hold. After the LA Kings won the Stanley Cup on Monday, Mayor Robertson announced that Project Janus was in fact, successful.

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Beth Ditto’s Fatness Gets in the Way of Her Stinging Critique on Marilyn Monroe Worship

Noted fatty Beth Ditto dares to sully Monroe’s overused-and-abused name.

If you heard anything about the Gossip’s performance of Candle in the Wind at Cannes, it probably went to the tune of either, “Why did she ruin such an amazing song” or “She doesn’t understand the poignancy of Toppin’s lyrics or Monroe’s legacy,” or — most likely — “Hey, Beth Ditto’s fat.” Read the rest of this entry »