Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide II: Ruin

It’s been awhile since a Star Wars book review. Truth be told, I’ve read several more and am still many reviews overdue. Star Wars is back on the brain, it seems, so I figure I’d continue my journey through the New Jedi Order series with a review of Dark Tide II: Ruin, which obviously continues from Dark Tide I: Onslaught. It is worth noting that the Star Wars EU has far too many subtitles.

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Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught

The New Jedi Order series continues with Dark Tide I: Onslaught, which happens to be one of the longest titles for a Star Wars book and certainly one with the most colons. Onslaught resumes where Vector Prime left off.  The New Republic has dismissed the Yuuzhan Vong threat as having been dealt with and finished with their loss at Helska, but obviously the Original Trilogy gang know that that is not the case.

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Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime

Set 25 years after the Battle of Yavin 4 (ABY, if you will), Vector Prime is an excellent introduction into The New Jedi Order, a series which is essentially the old Star Wars universe gang handing off the torch to the next. Vector Prime begins as most Star Wars novels do: the Skywalker and Solo families deciding to take a vacation when everything seems calm. Unbeknownst to them, the Yuuzhan Vong, an ancient and so far unknown race from outside the galaxy have begun their invasion. They’ve begun so subtly, by having insurgents and the like on various planets pretending to be rebels themselves and upsetting the balance, but they’ve yet to do anything concrete; that’s where we begin.

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Star Wars: Choices of One

Another Star Wars book review! Exciting!

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Star Wars: Outbound Flight

Another post, another Star Wars book review. I’ve found myself inundated with time and as I never really did a lot of reading for fun while in university, here I am, striking back.

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Star Wars: The Paradise Snare

I first read Star Wars: The Paradise Snare a little while after it came out, back in 1997. I was just a kid and I thought it was a pretty rad book, all in all. On a whim I picked it up again and gave it another reading. I was sorely disappointed. Read the rest of this entry »

Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy

1983 is a significant date in the history of Star Wars; not only did it mark the release of Return of the Jedi, but it was also the last year in the 1980s that a Star Wars book would be published (not if you count the Star Wars Roleplaying Game sourcebook that was released in 1987). After Return of the Jedi, there were fears that the whole “Star Wars” thing had dried up and that public interest was waning. For all intents and purposes, Star Wars was dead.  Read the rest of this entry »