Star Wars: Scoundrels

Having read Winner Lose All by Timothy Zahn, I felt like I was in great shape going into Scoundrels. Sure, the only similarities are four characters and a single reference to the heist in the short story (which Zahn or the publisher tactlessly refer to on a separate page after the very end of the book — way to go, guys), but the tone of the short story is a great primer.

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Star Wars: Winner Lose All–A Lando Calrissian Tale

Released in early December in preparation for Zahn’s upcoming novel Scoundrels (released today — my copy is in the mail), Winner Lose All — A Lando Calrissian Tale is an e-book novella featuring Lando in a high-stakes sabacc game. The game — with a ten-million credit buy-in — features a rare and valuable piece of art. A small statuette, designed by a mysterious artist, which is completely identical to its twins (of which only seven exist in the galaxy). But an attempted break-in reveals that nothing is as it seems.

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Star Wars: Choices of One

Another Star Wars book review! Exciting!

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Star Wars: Outbound Flight

Another post, another Star Wars book review. I’ve found myself inundated with time and as I never really did a lot of reading for fun while in university, here I am, striking back.

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Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy

1983 is a significant date in the history of Star Wars; not only did it mark the release of Return of the Jedi, but it was also the last year in the 1980s that a Star Wars book would be published (not if you count the Star Wars Roleplaying Game sourcebook that was released in 1987). After Return of the Jedi, there were fears that the whole “Star Wars” thing had dried up and that public interest was waning. For all intents and purposes, Star Wars was dead.  Read the rest of this entry »